A wonderful and very important event is coming. :) Second Polish Festival of Natural Building. It will be great, interesting and developing :) and as always in a natural, friendly atmosphere. Reach for this knowledge how to build naturally with care for us and the environment. Let's meet in Lodz. I cordially invite you on behalf of yourself and the whole community of the National Association of Natural Building :).
I had the great pleasure of co-organizing the First Natural Building Festival in 2017. It was a breakthrough moment, a dream worn for years, maturing, it became a reality and we finally met at the Polish festival on this subject. This year I am only serving with advice and a little help with the organization, I am very happy that our experience has turned into further development of this beautiful initiative. As they say, PASS IT ON and let them go into the world. I cannot wait to meet all of you and to attend to these wonderful lectures and workshops promoting natural building and natural design techniques.
See you there, eKodamka :)
Tickets for the festival: www.festiwalosbn.evenea.pl
Event on FB: HERE
And here is the photo reportage from the festival. Look how cool it was :) this year.